Steel Horses’ Jam – Tamworth May 2012 Sketch 86 ‘Snow White and the Seven Doors of Perception’

Working with Sketch 86 on this monstrous solo project. Whilst most of the writers there were doing a third of a wall or maybe half, Sketch chose to do the whole wall. It took a few days of 110% effort to get it looking as he envisioned it. Sketch 86 is a firm believer that Graff Writers should not use any type of stencils. The piece that he did was completely free hand!! The story behind the wall is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs has an esoteric meaning. The dwarfs represent the effect of a particular type of drug. Sketch’s take on this was to have Snow White pondering which door she would like to go through. Finally, there is a door on the floor…….


The video for this monstrous piece was recently edited and completed, all credit goes out to Nathan Duggers for the video production!! Enjoy the Video!!





For further information on Sketch 86

Sketch 86 only uses Monster Paints!!

Sketch 86 painting his badge on his wall!

Sketch 86 painting the syringes….

Sketch 86 painting mist/fog surrounding the coco leaves and mary jane..

Sketch 86 painting the trap door…

Final shot of the whole wall finished!! What an achievement by Sketch 86!!

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